Marigold, Sweetpea and Beatrix

Marigold, Sweetpea and Beatrix

Friday, 17 June 2011

Beatrix's Bogies

whenever I see Trixiepops, she usually has a bogie in her nose isn't that gross!!!

I didn't even know piggies had bogies

love from Ivy (I shortened my name!!!)

Saturday, 28 May 2011

New Hutch for Piggies!

do you like the new hutch mum bought? I do, and it looks like they do to! they have another one that dad made, but thats for the daytime once or twice a week (as they mow the grass big time!) and this for every day and night in the summer.

 their cage is for the winter.

love from beatrix  Marigold and sweetpea xxx

Sunday, 20 March 2011


I found out that the squeal Beatrix does is a Wheak. silly me! they are seriously tame now when I bring the food and open the door they come up so close there nearly climbing out of the cage! I was having a nice cuddle and chat with Marigold when she started nibbling my top! I had to put her back in the cage.

Sunday, 6 March 2011


Hi aren't they cute. they are all tame now even Sweetpea!

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Sooooo funny!


I was chopping up some food for the piggies. I put them in the piggy food pot ( flora butter tub!)

I opened the cage door and Sweetpea ran to me trying to get the celery.

I was putting my hand in the pot and as I was giving it to her she nearly fell out and was trying to grab the celery with her paw!

hope you found it funny love Niamh XXXXXXXX 8-D

Friday, 25 February 2011

Piggy Squealing

Hi guys

Beatrix squeals when we come into the room with food. there is a new post on

love Niamh xx

Monday, 14 February 2011

Piggy Poos!

Hi Did you like the video? I did. I wanted to show how Marigold when I'm tiggling her so you can see how she puts her head up and so you can see her teeth.